Sunday 24 April 2016

Reaching for Rundle's - Week 3

Week 3 - April 18-24  Goal: 43km

Monday - Rest Day

Completely accomplished this one, had a nap after work and even slept in a bit Tuesday morning.
Physical Status: L-ankle is tender on the anterior aspect, but nothing that changes weight-bearing status or gait.  Aside from that the weekend's runs were absorbed well.

Monday 18 April 2016

A Fool Such As I

I've been a little tongue tied lately, never really knowing where to pick up from and how to bridge the gap between end of 2015 and Spring 2016.  By mid-January I has able to get my running routine back on track and have been slowly building my mileage up moving forward into the Spring.  When asked what my racing plans were for the year I found myself stuttering, stumbling for an answer.  I didn't know what I wanted to do.  There are always a few races that are favourites or close to home which I'm more inclined to do again, but what was on the bucket list?